LionsGate 2023 Original Painting
LionsGate 2023 Original Painting
120cm x 100cm Canvas
Price/Energy exchange displayed does include shipping costs and this painting can be shipped internationally. There will be a tracking number sent to the owner along with information of this painting.
This painting is an extremely powerful painting consisting of Light Codes, Sacred Geometry and a powerful crystal mix divinely and intuitively guided and channeled by the Galactics and GalArtic. It holds many keys and anchors to integrate duality as well as bring to the surface all that needs to be healed through all bodies and systems.
A call has been sent to the soul that is to receive this painting as well as step in as the painting's guardian, to upkeep and hold the energies within this painting. There will be a requirement of the soul that has been called to this painting to keep it cleansed and clear on a regular basis as this painting connects in to my gridding system.
Once the called soul has purchased, there will be a requirement for a zoom call between myself and owner to discuss the painting, energies, shipping etc which a link with date and time will be sent via email.
May the one who feels called enjoy this phenomenal painting gifted to us by creator.