I just want to wish you all a happy and blessed Solstice 😘❤️🌈
Today I shall be keeping my vibrations high and avoiding all distractions. It is crucial to avoid any distractions from now until the 24th June. I will be focused on creating my new earth, my new reality and leaving the old paradigms behind. Any low vibration or emotion that pops in to my field, internal or external, I will acknowledge, sit with and give thanks and appreciation for feeling that emotion and letting it go 🙏🏻.
Remember we are all beautiful light beings living a human experience so don’t be hard on yourself. Ok… we all have got this 💪🏻🙌🏻.
if it resonates, please repeat this mantra 4x’s a day and focus in on the Solstice Painting that I created for us all.
“Stories to be Heard
Truths to be told
Let the New Earth
Begin to Unfold”
Here’s to the New Earth and stepping in to our full power. I love you 😍😘♥️ Xx